source: @peter_tbld via Unsplash

You Fucking Suck, You Really Do

Review of an Excerpt of Poetry by Sam Pink

Jordan Hagedon
2 min readDec 6, 2019


Ever been punched in the face by a poem?

No? Read this excerpt from Sam Pink’s poetry book YOUR GLASS HEAD AGAINST THE BRICK PARADE OF NOW WHATS. It will knock your teeth in.

Via Muumuu House

I stumbled upon this excerpt the other day. And I read it like nine times in a row. Laughed mirthlessly and then felt sick to my stomach. It’s so casually dark that it comes off like a joke. Like one of those dead baby jokes that were so popular back in the day. It’s dark enough and real enough that I almost feel like there should be a trigger warning at the top. “Alert: if you suffer from depression, this will make you SWEAT.”

Via Muumuu House

I haven’t read Pink’s book yet, so I don’t have the full context for this excerpt. But I would love to hear if anyone else had such a strong reaction to the lines shared. Check out the full excerpt at the link below. Then come back here, and we’ll talk about it. If you like it as much as I did, click on the next link to purchase the book. (Not an ad for the book. I just think it’s worth sharing.)





Jordan Hagedon
Jordan Hagedon

Written by Jordan Hagedon

Writer. Reader. Interested in everything. Twitter: @jeimask

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