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These Two Sentences Broke My Heart.

Short Story Review: “Want” by Shirley Jones-Luke

Jordan Hagedon


“Want” by Shirley Jones-Luke is an absolute gut-punch of a story. And by story, I mean two sentences. It’s so short and so effective that I almost don’t even want to comment further lest I ruin first impressions.

However, I will say the use of the phrase “figure eights” is genius. It ensures an even greater emotional impact with a deeper reading. It gives us a second way of understanding the story. Is it really figure eights they’re tracing? What other symbol could the figure eight represent?

Go to the link below, and then let me know what you think. I, for one, am extremely impressed by how stripped down and simple these two sentences are for how big a story they tell.

Link: http://www.gemini-magazine.com/lukeshirleywant.html



Jordan Hagedon
Jordan Hagedon

Written by Jordan Hagedon

Writer. Reader. Interested in everything. Twitter: @jeimask

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